Deltona resident finds unexpected solution to pain

Taylor *Miller's* life in Deltona, Florida, was marked by unrelenting shoulder pain that persisted for over a decade. On April 5, 2024, a news article about a breakthrough in treating chronic pain grabbed Taylor's attention. This article detailed Neios Discseel® Procedure, a novel treatment that seemed to resonate deeply with Taylor's struggles.

As Taylor delved into the article, it triggered memories of past failed treatments and the constant disappointment that came with them. The story connected to Taylor's ongoing battle with shoulder pain, which had forced them to scale back activities they once loved.

Determined to find a solution, Taylor began to explore Neios's resources, seeking information that could offer relief. 'After reading about how the Discseel® Procedure could naturally correct disc problems without invasive surgery, I felt a glimmer of hope,' Taylor recalled.

One serendipitous event seemed to affirm Taylor's decision. While shopping in a local grocery store, they met an old acquaintance who casually mentioned they had undergone the Discseel® Procedure for severe back pain. This unexpected conversation led Taylor to believe they were on the right path.

Neios's website stated, 'Our Discseel® Procedure is unique; only Neios has the specialists capable of this advanced treatment.' Taylor felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. They sat down with their partner, Jordan *, to discuss the possibilities.

Jordan shared reservations about the cost, as it wasn't covered by insurance. However, Taylor's enthusiasm was unwavering. 'If there's a chance this could change my life, it's worth every penny,' Taylor asserted. They finally decided to schedule a consultation.

The consultation was detailed, addressing many questions. What are Biologics? Taylor learned these effective medicines were natural and produced using state-of-the-art biotechnology. Finally, the procedure was described: a combination of purified fibrinogen and prothrombin, essential for disc healing, along with antibiotics to mitigate infection risk. The potential for increased height and reduced pain were encouraging prospects.

The procedure itself was straightforward. Taylor spent 30-60 minutes in post-op before being accompanied home by Jordan. The initial recovery involved minimal disruption—walking was encouraged within a few days, and while flexion and rotation of the lumbar spine were to be avoided, daily walking soon became Taylor's new routine.

Over the ensuing months, Taylor began to feel an improvement. The pain that had shadowed every waking moment started to ease. The turnaround point was gradual but noticeable, marking the beginning of a new chapter free from constant discomfort.

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* Names and situations are fictional and not intended to resemble anyone in particular. They are illustrative of how the services can apply to the lives of every day people living ordinary lives. Nothing in this page is intended as medical advice and anyone seeking medical advice should book a meeting to consult in-person with a doctor.

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