St. Petersburg local finds unexpected relief from back pain

October 13, 2022

, *Alex Collins* from St. Petersburg, Florida, was scrolling through his news feed when a particular article caught his eye. The article was about the innovative Discseel® Procedure offered by Neios

. *Alex* had been suffering from chronic lower back pain for several years, and the article piqued his interest because the described treatment was uniquely designed for conditions like his. *Alex* had tried various treatments in the past, without much success.

The news hit close to home for *Alex* because the article highlighted the procedure's potential benefits on low back pain, a subject very personal to him. He had been battling the condition for so long, it felt like a long overdue solution had finally appeared.

Lured by the promise of relief, *Alex* decided to explore the materials on the Neios website

. He read through testimonials and frequently asked questions about the Discseel® Procedure. This specific treatment involved the use of highly purified proteins to repair damaged spinal discs without invasive surgery.

*Alex* was particularly struck by one testimonial: 'I had lower back pain for over a decade, and this procedure changed my life.'

In a serendipitous twist, the very day *Alex* was contemplating this new procedure, he received a call from an old friend who had undergone the same treatment a year ago and experienced significant relief. This coincidence reinforced *Alex*'s belief that he was on the right path.

The Neios website boasted:

'The Discseel® Procedure is comprised of highly purified and exact parts of fibrinogen, prothrombin, the two essential blood proteins involved in the formation of a disc healing.'

*Alex* sat down with his partner, *Sarah*, to discuss this potential treatment. They weighed the pros and cons, agreeing that the high success rate and innovative approach made it worth pursuing. They were hesitant about the costs as it wasn't covered by insurance, but the allure of a pain-free life made it seem worth it.

Eventually, *Alex* and *Sarah* decided to go ahead with the procedure. At the consultation, *Alex* learned more about biologics and how they were manufactured from naturally occurring substances in the body. The actual Discseel® Procedure involved introducing these purified components into the damaged discs to promote natural healing.

After the procedure, it was like a new chapter of life had begun for *Alex*. The expectations were set that noticeable relief might take a few months, but there was a significant reduction in pain immediately following the surgery. Neios advised *Alex* to begin walking a few days after the procedure and avoid certain movements that could strain his back.

*Alex* was vigilant in following post-op guidelines, even consulting his chiropractor for additional care, avoiding any manipulative spine movements that could disrupt the healing process. Within weeks, he started to feel better. After a few months, he found himself engaging in activities he had long abandoned due to pain.

Filled with a renewed sense of hope and vitality, *Alex* felt thankful for that October day when an unexpected news article turned his life around.

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